Lifetime PremiumThere will only ever be 1000 of these! So get yours now!
Ends in:
Cookly is an app in development that will have premium features available at prices starting from £80+ per year. By becoming a lifetime member now, before our inception, you will gain access to any and all premium features for a fraction of the price... forever.Upon the app's release, if you're not happy with Cookly, you will have 60-days to apply for a hassle-free refund.We plan to release the app on IOS in April 2024.
What extra features do I get as a Premium Member?We plan to evolve our app and hence our premium features over time, but some of the things we plan on implementing as soon as possible are:
- Dynamic Macro Tracker
- Higher quality meal recommendations
- Generated Meal Plans based on your personal preferences and goals
- Price tracking for your shoping list, based on where you shop
- Personalised health insights
- Waste reduction algorithm
What features do I get as a Non-Premium Member?Again, we plan to add many new features. Some of the things we are working on now are:
- Macro Tracker
- Meal recommendations based on preferences
- Recipe sharing - share your healthy (or not) recipes with your friends
- Search-by-Ingredient for meals
Will Cookly be available on Android?Although we plan to release on Android as soon as possible, we currently have no set deadline.
When and where will Cookly be available?We plan to release on IOS in the UK in April 2024. Then, expand internationally by the end of 2024.